Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Magazine Cover


     After watching so many of those Photoshop videos like the one where a pizza turns into a super model, I've been fascinated in what Photoshop is capable of. Since all of my photos at home are pretty much in good condition, I had to find a damaged photo online. This photo had holes, bends, creases and using mostly the burn and stamp tool, I was able to get rid of all of that! Even getting rid of a lot of the noise in the older photo.

Multiplicity Photo

     This was so much fun to do! I took the photos right in front of Plant Hall and couldn't have gotten a more perfect day. The bright sun brought in great lighting for the photo's helping really make those shadows pop when bringing them into the photo giving it a pretty realistic feel.

Propaganda Poster

     This was one of my favourite projects for the semester! For the propaganda poster I wanted to help spread the message on drunk driving in a clever way so I got the idea from the Snickers commercials that say "You're Not You When You're Hungry." Usually the person is some celebrity so I decided to make the drunk person driving a beer bottle. It is to symbolise the person and help bring fear since you would obviously not want a beer bottle driving a car.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


     This week in class we had to create our own companies and make logos and rework to go along with it. I like to think of creative things that could take off if I ever wanted to test my luck as an entrepreneur! But the ideas I came up with were Emerson: a virtual reality helmet for video games, Rad: a bar that had video game tables set up at each booth, and Thrill Seeker: a social media network for theme parks. I got the name Emerson out of Immersion because that is what the concept of the company is, to immerse the player into the video game world. The picture is glasses with an earth coming out of the top to show the world in a new way. Rad is a popular word from the 90s which is the theme of the bar. Playing 90s rap and rock and such while playing old school video games at each table to get people to interact in a whole new way through the games and nostalgia. Plus, every club has those quick names so yeah. Thrill Seeker is a social media app on the phone that when you go to either Disney World or Universal Studios, people are able to discuss where the shortest lines are, meet new people and discuss anything related to the park.


     I created a paintbrush through calligram where I tried to add my feelings towards art and a story surrounding it to show my dream of wanting to become a computer animator. I chose the colours to distinguish each part of the paintbrush to clarify it better because at first it may be hard to see what it is and that's because the paintbrush I based it off of was very cartoonish and not quite easy to work with.  It has been a lot of fun trying new things and I would love to try more of this and see how much better I can get with it.