Saturday, August 31, 2013

Frozen in Time

     I just checked out Juan Carlos Delgado's most recent work and my initial reaction to his project was... wow! Definitely one of the more original works I have ever seen! The statue is actually the perfect example for multimedia as it changes over time and gives the viewer a different perspective each time they examine it. How it changes from a beautiful renaissance-like statue into what could pass as Clayface from Batman! The article connects the work with the theme of memory as it begins to fade the more distant it is. I definitely suggest everyone to give Delgado a look and really can't wait to see what creative genius he comes up with next!


ART 211 - Who Am I?

     It's kind of funny to think not too long ago I was a kid that would draw for fun and now I'm enrolled at the University of Tampa where I'm actually able to follow my dream to make a career out of it! My name is Jimmy Scudero and animation is my love! Although it wasn't until my junior year of high school where I really started to take art seriously, I tried my hardest to experiment with it all and become the best I can be! I love art because you really find yourself in it and learn what you can really do. I am also a very outgoing kid that loves to meet new people and can have a conversation about anything! Working out is another thing I take very seriously because I feel as if that builds dedication as well, not just at the gym, but towards school as well! Also I decided to throw in some of my work on this post!

     I feel like this is going to be a very fun class! It seems like we got a core group of students that all share the same interests and it also helps that we have a teacher that loves what she does! Looking at the Syllabus, it's looking to be a great semester not just to learn but also to create a love or an interest in some arts we may have never given a chance. I think that's the best part about the class! It takes us out of our comfort zones and throws us into brand new worlds which I'm really looking forward too! And I think that is also my expectation for this class, to not only develop my skills in multimedia, but to grow an appreciation for all different types of art and increase my knowledge on the area!