Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Magazine Cover


     After watching so many of those Photoshop videos like the one where a pizza turns into a super model, I've been fascinated in what Photoshop is capable of. Since all of my photos at home are pretty much in good condition, I had to find a damaged photo online. This photo had holes, bends, creases and using mostly the burn and stamp tool, I was able to get rid of all of that! Even getting rid of a lot of the noise in the older photo.

Multiplicity Photo

     This was so much fun to do! I took the photos right in front of Plant Hall and couldn't have gotten a more perfect day. The bright sun brought in great lighting for the photo's helping really make those shadows pop when bringing them into the photo giving it a pretty realistic feel.

Propaganda Poster

     This was one of my favourite projects for the semester! For the propaganda poster I wanted to help spread the message on drunk driving in a clever way so I got the idea from the Snickers commercials that say "You're Not You When You're Hungry." Usually the person is some celebrity so I decided to make the drunk person driving a beer bottle. It is to symbolise the person and help bring fear since you would obviously not want a beer bottle driving a car.