Thursday, December 5, 2013

Video Art

     For my video art project I mostly wanted to try and make a story out of it. Back in high school, I used to make short youtube videos with my friends where we would come up with stories and usually try cool effects with the software. Using the effects again reminded me of how cool they are once you learn how to use them! I cam up with a story of me taking advil because I wasn't feeling good and dealing with side effects. All medicines come with side effects right on the label but when on earth do they ever happen? Never! But.... what if they did?? That was what I was thinking of, what if the advil put me in another state of mind just seeing colors, reflections of myself and tons of other random things and noises. The sounds were pretty much to make it sound like I was insane, little things I put together on Garageband which added to the insanity. Of course everything I'm seeing is only for me to see. What everyone else sees me doing is having a mini seizure! I kept going back and forth between reality and my mind to also explain what drugs do. You have a whole different perception that what people perceive you as. Of course this is a real stretch but yeah. Anyways this was a fun thing to work on and just got me used to the editing again.

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