Sunday, September 29, 2013

Clockwork Orange

     Clockwork Orange is a brilliant movie that at times, is very messed up but has that creative genius and smart storyline that keeps you wanting more. A scene in particular, the rape scene used Gene Kelly's "Singing In The Rain" which adds to the demonic acts happening. Now I don't have the right answer to this but I definitely found irony in the scene. Whenever I think of this song, I don't think of that jolly ol' man running around in the rain, I think of Alex raping this woman. This song was completely used out of context and gives me a bad vibe every time I hear it just like how Alex can't listen to Beethoven anymore because the way it was used with violence, such as scenes with Hitler and murder and such. I feel as if the director wanted to use the song in it's wrong context to give the audience the same feeling Alex suffered through during his treatment. It definitely makes the scene that much more gruesome and one that will leave a mark in your brain forever.


     Okay... so my parents don't remember if they saw it in the theatre's so this blog isn't exactly what it should be but I did like the idea they had for the rumbling theatre with surround sound. It actually seems like an early prototype for IMAX which I'm not even sure if that's still around. Maybe if movie theatre's didn't compete with college tuition prices people would go see them but yeah. The idea to make the sound rumble the theatre and immerse the audience into the movie is a great way to make those blockbuster movies even more memorable and especially for coming out 40 years ago, it's great to see that technology was developed and advanced for the future. Not only is it seen in IMAX movies, but amusement parks have created these 4D rides which immerse the audience with smells, motion, 3D, etc. It's the closest thing to actually being in the movie and I can totally see movie theatre's soon coming out with it in years to come when it's more affordable but definitely keep your eyes out for 4D!


     I watched a bunch of cool animation videos from the Videos Artes website and was a big fan of the time lapse videos because it's just so damn cool watching the sky like that! It never gets old! Also the Bumble Bee stop motion was great too! The dance moves were pretty impressive and it looked like a lot of work went into that. The one I didn't like was the stop motion of real life. It was too close together to make it even seem like stop motion and it just wasn't that impressive.
     Of course I am a major fan of animation because I'm going to school for Computer Animation and I definitely have some ideas for the upcoming flip book project! At first I was thinking of just really making an animation of exactly 24 frames per second but it would only be like 8 seconds long after 200 pages and it wouldn't even be that cool or long and would get super boring drawing it after a while. I do like the theme many people go for and that's the transformation throughout the viewing. I definitely have some great ideas and can't wait to share what I got!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Hollywood Beginnings

     Wow movies have come a long way! I appreciate the early beginnings of cinema and the technology they used to create some of the most groundbreaking events. I remember watching the 1933 version of King Kong and just being blown away with how they did this stuff 80 years ago. Two movies I have recently watched were around 30 years before King Kong and I can easily say they are the most cheesy things I have ever seen. The Great Train Robbery and A Trip to the Moon are some of the first motion pictures ever made and for their time and even years to come were pretty advanced, especially A Trip to the Moon. Now I gotta say this... there pretty much unwatchable. A Trip to the Moon was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I did like the painted backgrounds and stuff, but the face of the moon was scary as hell! The funniest party was the cheesy landing along with the crash into the fish tank where you see little goldfish trying to get the hell away from the disaster their throwing into the tank. The Great Train Robbery was definitely the better film, but it was so oddly put together. Now back then, their were no camera angles and stuff, they would set up the camera somewhere and just film the whole scene in one take. That's what makes it so odd, like when they are tying up the ticket guy. I felt like that scene went on a lot longer than it really needed too, and not even that, the way it's filmed seems like we were in the room just watching it happen. I felt like we should've stopped them! But I guess thats enough ranting for me!

A Whole New World

     One of the craziest things I've learned about this week is definitely Camera Obscura. Abelardo Morell has taken a ton of shots in many different rooms showing off this crazy technology! The most unbelievable thing about this is that it has been around since before 500 BCE. I found a ton of pieces from her that really intrigued my interest. It's as if it adds a whole other life into the room. The ones with bright lights are the coolest because they look as if an imagination box has opened and poured all over the room! The fact many artists have used this before cameras and learned that this would work still amazes me to this day and I look forward to stumbling upon more work like this in the future!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Racism in Disney

     If you wanna find modern racism, look no further than Disney's movies. Now I'm the biggest fan of the Mouse House (Getting a tattoo of Mickey soon!) but I do realize how they create their characters. No characters in Disney movies are similar to each other and you can distinguish 'em all which shows just how good they are and also just how racist they can be. Many of their characters are stereotypes of several cultures and they use that to make up their cast. When your little, you would never know but as you begin to look back at childhood favorites, their are many moments and characters that show stereotypes, prejudice and racism. There's a video I watched in my Sociology class in High School that definitely goes into detail on what they do.

Broadway Magic!

     Technology in broadway has come a long way and it definitely adds to the immersion and storytelling. Many of the broadway plays I have seen recently have had some pretty cool stuff in it! It definitely adds that special effects found in movies and bring them right to the audience!

     Spiderman: Turn Off the Dark is the first one that comes to my mind when using special effects. Now there was absolutely no way to save a Spiderman broadway show cause think how bad that idea is, but they added some web slinging action as Spiderman would swing around the theatre right to the audience to add some immersion along with a Green Goblin battle. That seems awesome and it is... half the time when they do it right. Make sure to see this broadway show when they are on there A-Game or your gonna see some serious injuries.

     Newsies was another play that used a creative choreography through the use of what looked to be moving stairways and hallways to show all the action during their songs. It was a great musical and it was one that needed a lot more space than a stage which is why they made such great use of this giant prop.

     Chiddy Ciddy Bang Bang didn't really offer to much that I remember in technology except for one of the coolest things at the end! Right at the end of the last song they took that magical flying car and had it drive up into the audience making the effect that seemed as if it was flying. In a musical about a flying car they needed to back it up like this in such a cool fashion!

     Lion King was one that didn't use technology in the props, but in the characters themselves. Every actor and actresses heads were present throughout the whole musical, yet it did not take away from the immersion. They created very detailed costumes and masks placed on the top of their heads which was very clever because in a story about nothing but animals, you needed the performers to have their voice heard and not muffled in Disney World costumes. I think the way the outfits were decorated had become a milestone in broadway.

Now to get away from Disney musicals, the Phantom of the Opera was another one that definitely used the chandelier to add the the horror and suspense. In the theatre, a giant chandelier hangs above and looks like it's just apart of the place as a decoration but as the Phantom starts to cause terror, the chandelier begins to rock back and forth and starts to turn on and off repeatedly and even to the point where it almost drops on the audience. It's a freaky thing that if your not aware about it before you walk in you'll have no idea what to expect!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Robot Chicken-like Operas!

     I just recently watched a stop motion video on the Opera, Madama Butterfly, which has been recreated by Pjotr Sapegin. Now I haven't actually seen the Opera but I'm pretty sure this was loosely based on it, but the animation was really good! Of course it was a little odd throughout with many strange ways of acting out scenes such as when the girl has her daughter which she cracks her.... er.... glass stomach open and a.... fish comes out and immediately transforms into like a 3 year old girl... yeah that's what were dealing with here. Also at the end when the Lieutenant returns with his new family at the end and takes the daughter, watching the lady tear herself into pieces literally was a great way to show how she is feeling on the inside. It's definitely a trippy video, but I enjoyed it because I am a real sucker for stop motion videos!

Here's a link to the video and also along with it is my favorite stop motion video of all time! Definitely worth a look because it has such a powerful message and it's flat out adorable.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Desert Queens

     During class, we watched a movie called "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,"and it was definitely an interesting one. It's about three guys who are showgirls that are traveling across Australia to perform at Tick's wife's resort. Of course it isn't as easy as it sounds as the trio get stranded in the middle of deserts, come across gangs, and tons of performances. The movie is definitely pretty strange when your first watching it, but as it goes on it had a lot of laughs and a pretty good story! I think the movie also tackles a controversial topic involving homosexuality and men cross dressing and I think the movie makes the viewers a little more aware of these situations and helps them accept it. The movie also did a great job tying into what we talk about in class involving the Baroque and Rococo era with the pizzazz and over the top costumes. Overall, the movie was definitely an enjoyable one and I definitely recommend checking it out!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Modern Opera Fun!

What I don't think many people realize is that how much Opera is really around us! It's in so many TV commercials and we don't even realize it! I think the greatest thing too is that they are hilarious and pretty smart. Looking around on YouTube I came across a couple that were pretty cool. The thing is the commercial itself may not focus around the Opera itself and more on the product, but it's just smartly used! These three were definitely my favorites!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

What is Creativity?

     Creativity is hard to come by in this current generation. Growing up, we have been surrounded by technology that pretty much does the thinking for us. It can actually be seen in video games and movies which have been over-saturated by sequels, reboots or adaptations. Original is a hard name to earn, however, it seems like Dr. Raul Cuero has figured the answer to creativity. The way he stays creative is by changing the expectations by doing something that another person would not expect you to do. I think that concept is genius! The meaning of what he says is that we shouldn't stick to the same formula because others have tried it and it works. We should think outside the box and come up with our own things even if no one has ever heard or seen anything like it. You have no clue if a new idea will catch on unless you try it. When I have artist block and don't quite know what to work on, I will take what I learned from Dr. Cuero and do the unexpected. Think of the craziest things of my imagination and see what happens because you really don't know until you try.