Monday, October 7, 2013

Orson Welles was a Genius!

     Just listened to War of the Worlds... wow. I don't care if it was on the Radio I saw everything that happened in it. It's like reading a really good book that describes scenery and the events in explicit detail. You feel as if you are there. The specific detail put into what was happening to the towns and cities gave it such an apocalyptic feel and it was just a great story told. I could tell why this was the golden era of radio. However, this was during a time where TV wasn't compelling and was just starting up. I'm thinking if this was released now in the golden age of TV, it would have the same impact I felt listening to it. I'm not bashing the radio, I'm saying that it felt like such a similar experience to watching a show. If I was in 1938 listening to this at home I would have crapped my pants. Even today, it still has that eerie feeling and I think that's also thanks to Welles' voice. He sells the story in his speech and would have been a phenomenal actor I think in the TV era as well. He makes it believable. Definitely a must watch!

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