Monday, October 7, 2013

Philip K. Dick

     After reading about Philip K. Dick, I had no idea how much his work has inspired the films we see today. He writes of science fiction worlds that aren't the ordinary stories you hear all the time. In a way, the world is actually very similar to ours, or at least thats what it's coming too. It seems as time goes on, Dick's wild theories are getting closer to these futuristic nightmares is what I'll call them. I am fascinated by his work and love his concepts, but they really are worlds no one would ever live in because of the danger on every corner, the governments having total control over people, it's scary. You can even see with the NSA that they monitor every conversation you have had in your life over phones, texting, computers you name it. That's recent, think about the future. If they already have that much control over us, how long is it until they will have cameras in literally every room in the entire world to make sure nothing happens without there watch. The thing about Dick's work is that it really makes you think into our world. He makes us look into our selves and the place we live. It just seems that he may have also had an idea of what this world was coming too as well.


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