Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Stop Animation

     I feel so bad for 2D animators and give them so much credit. Just doing 200 pictures was ridiculous now I can't even imagine a team doing over 1,000,000 for Snow White! But anyways this project was a lot of fun! I actually did this all in one sitting, not because of time or anything like that but I kept having random ideas as I was going along and wanted to continue off of that! This was basically all off improv which I thought is the only way to make a random animation! I did actually notice I made my character fall a lot and I think I actually made a story out of it somehow. All the times he fell he either fell in the ocean, on a giant bird, a snowboard and it just seemed like he kept getting lucky. Now the one time he actually has something that could save him from his fall like his parachute, he's out of luck as the string breaks off and he falls flat on the ground with the parachute finally coming out after the impact. I guess I can make a moral out of this story saying there is only so many times you can get lucky before it runs out but really it's the most random video I've ever made. I'm actually gonna include my 3D animation video on this because it seems like it goes with the whole animator theme so enjoy that one too!

EDIT: Okay so I'm gonna update this ones bloggers video finder wants to work. I left the links below and will get the video on the blog as soon as this thing wants to cooperate!

EDIT 2: No success on that stupid YouTube thing so now I uploaded it through Blogger. Use the YouTube Link if you need to view it on there.

Stop Motion Animation

3D Animation

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